The Importance of Regular Gynaecological Examinations

Jan 20, 2022

The Importance of Regular Gynaecological Examinations

In the last few years, leading medical organizations in India and abroad have emphasized the importance of regular gynaecological examinations as an important aspect of physical and reproductive well-being. However, many women ignore this and do not get regular examinations, believing that they are not required as long as there are no signs of a problem. The result is that lakhs of women suffer needlessly and lose their lives because treatable medical conditions were not diagnosed early.

The Earlier, the Better

Many gynaecological problems are first found during regular examinations. In the case of major diseases such as breast, cervical and ovarian cancer, the earlier the sickness is detected, the better the chances of recovery. The medical fraternity now advises that an annual gynaecological examination should begin at 15. Besides providing the doctor with early indications of possible medical issues, young women can ask questions about their bodies, menstrual cycles, sexually transmitted diseases, and birth control. While many young girls get advice on these matters from their mothers or other female relatives, professional guidance on such important issues is always the best course. At times, young girls may be embarrassed to talk to their family members about gynaecological matters, and they will find talking to a medical professional a lot easier.

Also Read: How to Find the Best Gynecologist

The Pap Smear Is Not a Full Examination

gynaecologist in Pondicherry says that an increasing number of women over 21 are now having an annual pap smear done. Many women who had the test done presume that it is the equivalent of a yearly examination, which it is not. A pap smear is only a part of the comprehensive annual examination, and a complete annual gynaecological examination is essential, whether or not a pap smear has been advised.

The Examination Process

While the exact process and sequence of actions may differ from hospital to hospital, the typical examination in line with the gynaecology procedures in Pondicherry consists of:

  • Obtaining a comprehensive medical history of the patient, including family medical history, to assess possible hereditary ailments
  • A detailed physical examination
  • A pap smear
  • An internal examination of the uterus and ovaries
  • Depending on the patient’s age, a mammogram or screening mammogram may be ordered
  • If the patient is post-menopausal or is deemed to be in the high-risk category, screening tests for osteoporosis, colon cancer, diabetes, and other such conditions may be prescribed
  • Depending on the results of the examination, the patient may be advised medications, vitamin supplements, and dietary or lifestyle changes

Ignoring the Importance Is Dangerous

Every woman should be conscious of the need for an annual gynaecological examination. This is the best and most effective way to detect medical issues in the early stages when treatment is more effective and the results are usually faster.

The annual gynaecological examination must be done at a hospital with a specialized gynaecological department where both highly qualified gynaecologists and state-of-the-art examination, diagnostic and treatment facilities are available.

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